Scriptures: Psalms 24:3-6

In quite a similar manner, it's time for us to lift-off in the various areas of our lives, but it all begins with our relationship to the Empowering God of All Creation. Today we reflect upon the rubric necessary to communicate our readiness for lift-off to higher heights of our worship experience in the Lord. The Psalmist asks questions about The Ascent that create a framework of criteria for our journey, when he asks, "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in His holy place?" Psalms 24:3
It is important for us to consider these questions, because we naturally assume that the God who loves us so has given us a free pass into the presence of the Lord, but the profile that is communicated in this scripture implores us to consider the implications of our part, and our readiness to go from glory to glory. The criteria communicated in verses three through six are:
1. One who has clean hands
2. One who has a pure heart
3. One whose soul is not lifted up unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully
So its time for inventory my brothers and my sisters. And as we continue this journey together, ask ourselves and one another: Are You Ready for Lift-Off?
For His Glory,
Pastor Emery