The Way Out
Traveling on the highways and byways of this life can really be something else. But trying to live without Jesus Christ in your life is not only something else, its futile. Its like a mouse running in a wheel expending all its energy to go nowhere - fast. If you've got a void in your life that needs to be filled, I don't care what type of void it is, Jesus Christ can fill it. If you're lost in a sea of confusion and can't seem to find your way, Jesus reminds us that HE IS The Way Out. In fact he tells us that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life - the only way to God is through the person of Jesus Christ.
You didn't just happen by this page, the Holy Spirit directed you here, because you're special to God. You were made according to God's will and design to fulfill a purpose. That purpose is to worship God; to be able to respond to God's awesome splendor, to partake in a journey of knowing God and being known by God. Your heavenly Father wants to guide you through that journey, and you can start today.
If you're ready to begin this journey, pray this prayer with me right now: "Lord its wonderful to know that the creator of the universe knows me and loves me. I realize that I have not done as you require of me. My ways don't align with your ways. I am a sinner. I am asking you to forgive me and cleanse me of my sinful ways. I turn away from my former ways (I repent of my sins), and I turn to you Lord. I believe that you died on the cross for my sin, rose on the third day, ascended to Heaven, and one day you will come back to receive me for eternity. Jesus Christ come into my life, be my Lord, and make me whole. I completely surrender my life to you. I am yours and you are mine. Thank you for taking my place, so I could have a place with you For All Eternity. Amen."
If you have sincerely prayed this prayer, and believe what you have declared. You have begun a miraculous journey with God into eternity. You are now an "heir and joint-heir" with Jesus Christ! Continue to walk by faith, find a place to worship with a body of believers of Jesus Christ that preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Email us and share your progress in Christ. Of course you are welcome to join us at FaithWorks Christian Fellowship, where we assemble for worship. May the Lord continue to richly bless you - real good!
You didn't just happen by this page, the Holy Spirit directed you here, because you're special to God. You were made according to God's will and design to fulfill a purpose. That purpose is to worship God; to be able to respond to God's awesome splendor, to partake in a journey of knowing God and being known by God. Your heavenly Father wants to guide you through that journey, and you can start today.
If you're ready to begin this journey, pray this prayer with me right now: "Lord its wonderful to know that the creator of the universe knows me and loves me. I realize that I have not done as you require of me. My ways don't align with your ways. I am a sinner. I am asking you to forgive me and cleanse me of my sinful ways. I turn away from my former ways (I repent of my sins), and I turn to you Lord. I believe that you died on the cross for my sin, rose on the third day, ascended to Heaven, and one day you will come back to receive me for eternity. Jesus Christ come into my life, be my Lord, and make me whole. I completely surrender my life to you. I am yours and you are mine. Thank you for taking my place, so I could have a place with you For All Eternity. Amen."
If you have sincerely prayed this prayer, and believe what you have declared. You have begun a miraculous journey with God into eternity. You are now an "heir and joint-heir" with Jesus Christ! Continue to walk by faith, find a place to worship with a body of believers of Jesus Christ that preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Email us and share your progress in Christ. Of course you are welcome to join us at FaithWorks Christian Fellowship, where we assemble for worship. May the Lord continue to richly bless you - real good!