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Thank you for joining us here online at FaithWorks Christian Fellowship. We pray that you are blessed by the resources God has blessed us to avail to you. As you join us in engaging worship, effectual and fervent prayer, joyful fellowship with songs of praise, testimony, and certainly a fresh word from the Lord be sure to spread the word! Faith Works indeed!
Can You Not Perceive It?
Proving GodIt seems everyone has an opinion today, about what one should believe. Some say you should believe in yourself. Others say science is trustworthy. But in the midst of all the theories, opinions, and mirror glances, we believe one view is secure. It is the biblical worldview that stimulates us to engage worship, declare praise, and prove God at God's Word. The whole of scripture points us toward the demonstration of Love that God extended tabernacle with us through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is real, and he invites you to engage a personal relationship with God today. Regardless of your past, or present condition, FaithWorks Christian Fellowship invites you to prove God at God's Word. Don't just take someone else's word for it. Get to know God for yourself. To know God is to love God, and to love God is to serve God. |
Now it Springs forth
"God's empowering presence is equipping us to perform that which we have only seen and sought for in our hearts and minds. Read More |