Scriptures: John 4:1-7, Isaiah 54:5, 2 Kings 17:24-29
Have you considered how many times you view "reality" through the lens of your own bias? With all that's taking place in the world, there are some things that we witness from afar, and yet others that we have personally experienced; the paradigm that results often impacts the decisions we make and our very behavior. However we must be mindful of trying to maintain an objective enough approach to receive the information in a way that will allow us to make healthy decisions. And it's even more important for us to exercise our spiritual faculties by being deliberate to remain in a posture that allows us to hear from God - who is a Spirit. In this scriptural reflection we find the benefits of doing so.
In the 4th chapter of the book of John, after leaving Judea headed for Galilee, Jesus communicates to his disciples that he "must-needs" (had to - with urgency) go through Samaria. This is significant, because though going through Samaria was the shorter route, Samaria is a region that was expressly avoided, because "the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans." So much so, that the Jews traveling to the same destination would travel so many miles around Samaria to avoid them.
Yet Jesus "must needs" go through Samaria. Jesus enters a town in Samaria called Sychar, and approached Jacobs well. There he encounters a woman known only as the Samaritan woman at the well. In this discourse we find a woman who has naturally developed a bit of a bias towards Jews. When Jesus says to the woman "Give me to drink," she reveals her bias when she responds. "How is it that you being a Jew ask me - a Samaritan for a drink?" Her bias communicates her disconnection with the Christ as it prevented her from hearing, seeing, perceiving the true nature of this encounter.
She was coming to Jacob's well for liquid water to quench her thirst, but the Living Well was leaning on Jacob's well ready to provide Living Water. No longer would she need to depend on the natural means of her efforts to quench her thirst. Supernatural means that were beyond what she do for herself were available to meet her at the very point of her spiritual need. She was coming to the well for a physical infusion, but Jesus was there to give her a Spiritual infusion! And just as profound, Jesus was embodying a symbol and fulfilling a prophetic moment that pointed ultimately to Himself as our ultimate sustainer!
Join us as we continue this reflection in the next leg. It's all about the worship!
For His Glory,
Pastor Emery B. Barber