There used to be a time when people worked "nine to five" and then went home to enjoy the evening with their families. There was a time when families would go shopping early in the day, because in the early evening stores actually closed! There was even a time when families took the time to sit down at the table to eat dinner together every night! Today however,we live in a hyper-consumptive, technological age, that has everyone working and living in such an erratic frenzy, that the only way to maintain any semblance of order in our lives seem to be to use a calendar with reminders. While planning is instrumental to productivity, our culture reveals the fact that we are losing all sense of what's really important. A relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is of the utmost importance. Yet there is an increasing number of people who are saying, at least by their actions, that Jesus just doesn't fit into their calendars. Unfortunately there really is "nothing new under the sun."
In our recent bible study, "Dressed for the occasion," from the 14th chapter of the book of Luke, we witnessed three people who were invited to the Master's banquet, whose priorities were simply out of order. As a result, they lost their place at the Master's table, while others were invited in their place. The Master's invitation is still being extended to this day.
The Master of the Universe has invited you to His banquet table. It is a place of privilege where we have an opportunity to engage in a meaningful relationship where we get to know, and are known by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. But does Jesus fit into your calendar?
We get up every morning, shower, shave, make-up our faces and hair, eat breakfast, and commute to arrive at work every work day on time - and sometimes early. Everyday we commit ourselves to this practice, with an occasional personal or sick day, because it is high on our list of priorities. When it comes to bible study, or worship service, we move into the realm of optional. We in fact become like those who haven't the time to meet with the Master who loves us so much that He gave His only begotten son, Jesus the Christ, to die on the cross for our sins that we might live eternally in His presence. John 3:16
Jesus not only made you a priority in His eternal calendar, He actually became the priority for those who would only believe. His plans are for your hopeful and prosperous future. Jer. 29:11 When Jesus becomes the priority in our lives, our paradigm changes and we see life through a different set of lenses. The decisions we make are not based on what we see, but on what God says. 2 Cor. 5:7 Planning our calendar is no longer about how we can fit Jesus into it, but how the things we plan fit into the goals of the Master for our lives. Matt. 6:33
Don't lose the privilege to dine at the King's table. Jesus is calling. Come now. Remember to bring company, because there's plenty of room at the Master's table.
May the blessing of the Lord be yours,
Pastor Emery Barber
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