Grace and peace saints of God!
We are really thankful to God for all of you that have been faithfully joining us on Wednesday nights for the Hand Maiden's prayer. Truly the presence of the Lord is amongst His people as He answers our prayers and exposes the wonders of His truth to us as we gather. Most recently we lifted up lack of planning, waiting until the last minute, and the anxiety that drives us to the edge, before the Lord. We received revelation knowledge from the Lord to apply to our lives. He brought us to reflection of His Word; 2 Timothy 1:7, Philippians 4: 1-13, Matt. 7:7 As we lifted up procrastination before the Lord He brought to our remembrance the necessity of placing God's priorities first. Matt. 6:33 and Matt. 6:6-10, Prov. 3:5,6, and Habakkuk 2. We invite you to join us next Wednesday at 9:00 PM as we continue to prayer one for another. Come with great expectation - lifting praises up as the blessings come down! |
Hand Maiden's Prayer
Join Sis. Stephanie and all the sisters of faith as they gather together in prayer. Pulling down strongholds, breaking yokes,
and standing together.
Testimonies begin at 9:00 PM. Prayer begins at 9:15 PM.