Seems everybody is so enamored with "the Next Big Thing!" Yet seldom do we stop to think that nothing compares to the wonderful, marvelous, amazing, and awesome God of the universe from whom every good and perfect gift comes. James 1:17 If ever there was a big thing, the Ultimate Big Thing is God! And everything that comes forth from the mind of God is not only big, it is magnanimous! It's beyond our understanding!
God thought about this Earth - this planet on which we live, caused it to come into fruition by the power of His Word, and declared its very goodness. Gen. 1:31 Thus identifying His creation as a "very big thing." God thought about us - humanity- You and I! Most of all God thought about knowing and allowing us to know God! That's "THE Big Thing!" - a relationship with the King that still has you on His mind - Jesus the Christ. He is our Greatest Joy, because Jesus is the one who stepped away from His royal throne, condescended Himself to humanity for humanity to reconcile us with divinity! Phil. 2:5-6
My prayer is that all who read this missive will come to know the Greatest Joy known to mankind - Jesus the Christ. If you don't know that Joy, and you're ready to know Him. Click here to continue the journey.
The Joy that satisfies every need and every desire is found in the presence of the Lord. Psalms 16:11
In His Presence,
Pastor Emery