I awakened the next morning after a night of dreams about times and seasons, and with clarity I received the scriptures that God draws me to even now. I washed my face and heard the Lord as He communicated: “Behold in the season of Now. Listen in the season of Now. Walk in the season of Now. Live in the season of Now.”
It is a common practice, particularly among the Christian community to communicate the sentiment of season, as a time of favor; a time of harvest, a time of breakthrough, or turnaround for the good. When faced with the decision of whether to proceed or not, the response to proceed is often met with, “This is your season!”
Solomon was inspired to communicate in the third chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes that there are many seasons. “For there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” He then presents a laundry list of times or seasons that communicate the trials, tribulations, as well as the common circumstances, and joys of the human experience. But then Solomon indicates in the 11th verse of the chapter that “God makes everything beautiful in His time…”(emphasis added)
Saints the mandate of this season is to redirect our thoughts and attention to the urgent profundity of “His time,” which is the season of now. There is an immediacy of action and manifestation that God is engaging at this very moment.
The prophet Isaiah communicated this message from the Lord:
Behold, I am doing a new thing;
NOW it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19
We focus our attention for the many purposes under heaven, as is relative to an under heaven existence, where we experience under heaven circumstances. But when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, where pulled us, or should I say snatched us out of the darkness, and into His marvelous light, we experienced a transformation, a transportation, and thus a transtemporalization , where we are called to move, and live, and have our being in the construct of the Kingdom in the season of now.
God is doing a new thing and NOW it springs forth. To perceive the Kingdom construct of the season of now, this spiritual reality requires a spiritual connection. This spiritual connection with the living God enables us to see and engage spiritually. Jesus said to the Samaritan woman in John 4:23, and us by application, that “the time cometh and NOW is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a spirit and they that worship must worship Him in spirit and truth.” He then said in John 5:25 that an hour is coming and NOW is when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and live!”
An encounter with God is thoroughly transformative! God takes us from death to life, and from blind to seeing, from disconnected to fully connected in His "presence where there is fullness of joy at His right hand pleasures evermore." Psalm 16:11
I have much that I want to share with you. This a lot to take in right now, so I pray that you will review this reflection. Take it slow and let it marinate. Talk to you soon in the next reflection.
By Faith,
Pastor Emery B. Barber