The ark - the vessel that represented the presence of God amongst His people, pointed toward and has been fulfilled in Jesus Christ! He is the Emmanuel, God with us, who would reveal Godself to us, in us by the outpouring presence of the Holy Spirit, and through us as witnesses to a world desperately in need of His light and love!
Our call to "bear the glory of God" has been refreshed with a renewed sense of purpose and urgency. With Joy, King David and Israel brought the Ark to a tent that he pitched for it. King Jesus brings the glorious treasured presence of God, and places it in earthen vessels! He sets it in the midst of a tent, a tabernacle, a house that He is building unto Godself! It is made with living stones!
God has placed His presence in the church that He is building whose foundation is Jesus Christ Godself, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! As we prepare for Christ's return, we have been given a great commission to carry the knowledge of this divine reality to the nations!
How do we do it? We do it with joy! It is with joy that SHOBC accepts the charge of our new beginning to bear the glory of the Lord throughout Brooklyn. We do so with a shout and a dance - in celebration that God is with us, and will be revealed in us when we choose to accept the gift of His presence! We do so as we GO to all the nations that the Lord has brought to Brooklyn! We go to the homes, the cafes, restaurants, and marketplaces to share the love of God that never let us go.
Join us SHOBC Brooklyn, as we engage this wonderful Kingdom call to Shabach Brooklyn!
May the glory that is within us, be seen in 2017!
For His Glory,
Pastors Emery & Stephanie