But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is
ahead, Phil. 3:13
Grace and peace my brothers and sisters! Our Word of Faith for today is Refresh! Sometimes in life we find ourselves stuck in what seems like a crazy rut. Doing the same thing again and again - expecting different results (The clinical definition for insanity).
Often it’s because we're making decisions based on old or misleading information. You know what I mean, you've tried something before that didn't work out, and so you never tried again, based on old information. Maybe that wasn't the time for it. Maybe it's time to try it differently. Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate the situation. It's certainly time to Refresh!
You know - like when you're surfing the internet, and you know you made changes, but you can't move on, because the web page is showing you old outdated information. After a while you might see a rotating hour glass, or what’s called a buffering circle; which really illustrates what’s happening in that moment. You’re caught in a buffering zone – that crazy rut I was talking about earlier. Something is causing you to go around and around with no results.
To move forward you have to press F5, or "refresh!" One of the most recent icons for refresh is the circle with an arrow, but there’s a break in the circle – Hallelujah! We’ve got to break the cycle and move forward! We have to refresh! What Paul is sharing with the Phillippians, and us by application, is that he may not have arrived to his final destination or fulfilled his ultimate purpose in life, but he's already made a refresh in his life, and is ready to press
ahead. With a fresh perspective, you and I too can move forward out of the buffer zones of our lives.
You may have made some mistakes in your life, and your past may be burdening you down even now. It's time to
refresh my brothers and sisters. There may be some work left undone or dreams and aspirations yet unfulfilled, it's time for a refresh! Glory to God.
How do I refresh Pastor B? Where do I start? I'm glad that you asked. Look at the Word today in Phil. 3:13 - and simply remember F5! 1. Forget what is behind. 2. Grab hold of a Fresh perspective by 3. Forgiving yourself
and others. 4. Have Faith that God will empower you to 5. Forge ahead and live out your purpose!
Til next time, may the Lord God bless you real good!
Living by Faith,
Pastor B.