31 But eagerly desire the greater gifts. And now I will show you the most excellent way.
The Body of Christ
One Body – the representative body was a unification of Jews and Gentiles
Many Parts - Arms, shoulders…
Every part of the body has a purpose – the heart pumps blood…
Each part created to serve God – wholeheartedly - with everything that is in us.
Some parts work behind the scenes You can’t see the heart, but it is crucial to the function …
Other parts are louder and more obvious Everyone can see the mouth, or certainly hear it…
When parts stop functioning – the body is a system of parts that depend upon each other…
The entire body suffers
You are the eyes … God may have called you to be a watchman in the ministry, discernment…
The ears – discernment or the gift of listening to others and counseling…
The hands – the ministry of helps. God may have called you to assist in the work of ministry…
The feet – to be a stander in the house of the Lord in prayer and spiritual warfare for the saints.
And the mouth – to forth speak the Word of God or to prophesy, or sing His praises…
Of Christ
You Are the Body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it.
The question that God presents to us today is, “Are You Living Your Part?” Have you submitted to the move of the Holy Spirit to be used in the Body of Christ for the Glory of God and the Upbuilding of the Kingdom of God.
Not just in the church, but outside of the church. Because since we are baptized by One Spirit into One Body, we serve One Lord. Our outside of our assembly is to preach the truth in Love. “There is no other name under Heaven by which anyone may be saved, except the name of Jesus the Christ.”
The world may call it arrogant, ignorant, or intolerant, but because it leads those whom God has called us to love, as he loved us out of the darkness and into the marvelous light, So Be It! Jesus said if I be lifted up from the earth, I’ll draw all men unto me.” God has baptized the people of God by the Holy Spirit into One Body. May the redeemed of the Lord be empowered today in the name of Jesus Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit to say it’s so in thought and Word and Deed. AMEN.
In His Service,
Pastor E. Barber
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