Well Saints if you're looking for the next big thing, please take this as a reminder: Jesus is the latest and the greatest! Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord! James 1:17 The next big thing comes continually as you engage the awesome invitation that He has given to come into His presence where there is fullness of Joy, and at His right hand - pleasures evermore! Psalms 16:11 The key that unlocks the door however, is to walk by faith. Walk in obedience to the Word of God believing that He will do what He says He will do.
In this series, we continue to focus on God's Holiness Imperative. Here we focus not on just what we want, but what we need!
If you haven't already, be sure to watch Ready for Lift-off and read the scriptures related to it. And let's get ready for the next big thing in Jesus!
For His Glory,
Pastor Emery
Until next time, may the Lord God bless you real good!