Yeaaaa!! Right? I mean naturally everybody wants to be able to share their views without fear of being harrassed or bullied. Right?
The NY Post and the Los Angeles Times reported that new features will begin rolling out Tuesday. "Twitter said it will also identify and “collapse” tweets in users’ feeds and searches that are “low-quality” and "potentially abusive." That means the harassing msg won't even be seen by the "intended victim." Yaaasss! Right?
One might begin to wonder in a world that embraces the woes of Isaiah 5:20, where evil is being called good and good is referred to as evil, what will be the criteria of offense by which one will pronounce "harassment" and thus be "marked" for removal.
It doesn't take much wondering when we consider how silent those who have been called to "cry aloud and spare not" have become; those who have become as still as chameleons trying to blend in for fear of life and limb, when our new prime directive instinct, in Christ that is, is to GO and teach all nations..." (Matt 28:19-20) without fear (2 Tim 1:7).
My prayer of encouragement for us is that we would "continue to pray in the Spirit for all occasions, to be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. That whenever the servants of God speak, words may be given us so that we will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which we are ambassadors. Pray that we may declare it fearlessly, as we should" (Ephesians 6:18b - 20 - paraphrased). So make sure YouTube, Tweet, and remain LinkedIn the Kingdom as we Snapchat and keep our Faces in His Book...
For His Glory,
Pastor E.
Bearing His Glory - Sharing His Story