We have rested in this chapter for the past couple weeks, and as God speaks to us through His Word we receive renewed hope, increasing faith, and refreshing vigor and strength for the journey yet before us.
Last week we had a Selah moment as the Lord illuminated the words "poor in spirit" to mean not poor, but poor in spirit. It means not humble, but humbled. The state one finds oneself in after they've tried everything they could in their own selves, and after coming to the end of themselves, "came to themselves" and emptied the rest of themselves to receive what God always intended for them (See Luke 15:17-20). It's time for us to empty ourselves as Christ emptied Himself (Phil. 2:7), and walk into the state of blessing that God intends for us.
Today we paused and reflected on ...those who mourn and will be comforted. How refreshing are the promises of God! Space and time don't yet allow me to share the volume of this wonderful download in the Spirit. I will remind us however that our God has afforded us a marvelous privilege to mourn when the trials and tribulations of life come our way, not as the world does, but as people of hope. A people who seek the Lord in our pain and despair, and thus find the blessedness of strength (com-fort: with strength) to continue the journey and strengthen others (See 2 Cor. 1:4).
For His Glory,
Pastor Emery
Bearing His Glory, Sharing His Story